The greatest amount of time you will spend on your lawn’s upkeep is when you mow it. Mowing your yard at the correct height may help to create an attractive appearance for your house and promote grass growth.
Mowing frequency is determined by a variety of factors. These include rainfall amounts, soil type, grass type, fertilizer use, and how much time you have to complete the work. Here are some general recommendations to assist you in determining the best mowing schedule for your lawn.
Types of Turf
Turf is a term for living green plants that are typically collected together as a single entity, known as your lawn. Depending on grass type, weather, and amount of shade, turf may grow at various rates.
Cool-season grasses
Fescues, bluegrasses, and ryegrasses are all cool-season grasses that develop vigorously in the spring and fall seasons and must be cut more frequently when rainfall amounts are greater. During the early spring months, mowing on the high side of your grass type’s optimum height may aid in the control of broadleaf weeds.
Warm-season grasses
Warm-season grasses are common in the south and the southwestern United States, with hot summers and mild winters. Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Buffalo grasses flourish during the summer heat but do not overwinter as well as cool-season grasses. When it rains frequently as it does in many areas of the country, these grasses will demand more frequent cutting.
Shade grasses
Grasses thrive when they have enough sunshine. This makes it tough to grow grass in heavy shadow. Shade-grown lawn mixtures are available at most garden supply stores, but germination is light-dependent, making it difficult to maintain a shade lawn looking decent. It might be worth considering mowing on the high side and less often in these regions.
New lawn
If you’re growing a new lawn, keep it mowed at the same time as an established lawn when it’s actively developing. It’s okay to begin trimming new grass once it has reached the optimal height for its species, however cutting too soon might harm the young tender leaves.
Ready to improve your landscaping this season? Our garden services at Legarden Designs handles every element of the process – from the initial design consultation through the project’s completion. We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today!