Best Weeding Tips for Your Garden

Best Weeding Tips for Your Garden

There is a wealth of advice on the internet, but determining which technique for controlling weeds in your area may be difficult. Here’s a summary of the four greatest techniques for reducing weeds in your yard so you have a firm grip on it.

Leave No Room for Weeds

Weeds, like all other plants, compete for light, nutrients, and water. It’s far easier for weeds to establish a foothold in an open area than it is in one that has already been occupied by other established vegetation.

To plant densely, it is critical to leave as little room as possible for weeds. At the same time, you must avoid crowding as plants develop and mature. Poor air circulation due to overcrowding can lead to plant illnesses.


One of the best methods to eliminate weeds from your lawn is to mulch it frequently. Mulching is another wonderful technique to keep weeds at bay. Organic mulch, such as bark or pinestraw, isn’t as long-lasting as an inorganic weed barrier, but organic mulch has a number of advantages.

Don’t Stir Up the Soil 

A basic guideline of weed control that seems to go against common sense is the fact that growing weed seeds requires light. The majority of weed seeds require light in order to germinate, and they will only sprout in the top two inches of dirt. As a result, when you till or dig up the earth, you’re sending thousands of cannabis seeds into direct sunlight where they must be in order for them to germinate.

Chemical Weed Control

Last resort should be to use inorganic pesticides to kill weeds. The hundreds of weed killers available on the market are divided into two types: pre-emergence weed preventives and post-emergence weed killers that destroy the actual plants. To combat specific weeds at the appropriate moment, you must first identify which weeds you’re battling and their lifecycle.

At Legarden Designs, we can help you create one! We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today to learn more about what we offer!

3 Major Problems With Tree Roots in Gardens

3 Major Problems With Tree Roots in Gardens

There are two types of tree root problems. The first is that the roots themselves have an issue, such as girdling, decay, a lack of moisture, or an insect or disease that causes the tree to die. Alternatively, the roots may create issues in their environment because they are gnarled and twisted.

Common Problems Caused by Tree Roots 

To evaluate the impact of tree roots, keep in mind that a tree’s roots extend two to three times as far as the canopy radius. In arid regions, they may spread up to five times broader than in moist ones. A tree with a diameter of 12 feet—which equals a radius of six feet—may have roots that spread 18 to 30 feet from the trunk.

Damage to Underground Pipes 

Tree roots can break pipes, but the more typical scenario is that pipes collapse on their own as a result of age or other physical damage, after which the tree roots grow into the pipes and cause blockages. Many types of trees are known to contribute to sewer line damage, including aspens, birches, elms, maples, poplars, swamp oaks, sycamores, willows and fig trees.

Damage to Pavement and Sidewalks 

Roots from trees and shrubs can grow beneath walkways and pavements. If the roots are near the surface, they might lift the pavement, posing a tripping hazard as well as causing damage. When this occurs, there is generally a choice between saving the tree by moving the pavement farther away from its roots or cutting back the tree’s encroaching roots in order to save the pavement or pathway.

Surface Roots as Hazards 

A maple tree’s vast, robust roots protruding from the surface may be a familiar sight in your backyard. This frequently happens on a slope where soil erosion leads to root exposure. And, after a winter with frequent thaws, it can only get worse. These exterior roots are not only unsightly, they’re also dangerous. They can be really annoying when you’re mowing the grass because they’re so visible.

Our garden services at Legarden Designs handles every element of the process – from the initial design consultation through the project’s completion. We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today!

The Best Types of Mulch to Use in Your Garden

The Best Types of Mulch to Use in Your Garden

Mulch is used to keep the soil moist, control weeds, maintain a cool environment, prevent frost heaving in the winter, and make the garden bed more pleasant. Mulches that are organic also aid in the structure of the soil, drainage, and nutrient-holding capacity as they decompose.

Types of Organic Mulch 

Mulch that is not manufactured from an inorganic substance will decompose and need to be replenished, but it will also improve the structure and organic content of your soil. The more dry and woody the mulch, the slower it decomposes and the fewer nutrients it delivers to the soil. Some organic mulch includes:

  • Bark, Shredded or Chipped
  • Pine Needles
  • Grass Clippings
  • Newspaper
  • Shredded Leaves
  • Straw

Knowing the source of mulch is essential, since it may contain viable weed seeds or chemicals. The last thing you want to do is spread a mulch that will begin sprouting and add to your workload – or contaminate your plants with chemicals.

Bark mulches are best utilized around trees, shrubs, and garden beds, while grass clippings are ideal for weeding control. Shredded leaves are nature’s favorite mulch and can be used in anyplace since it is free of charge as a form of mulch. Straw and salt hay are popular mulches for vegetable gardens

Types of Synthetic and Inorganic Mulch 

Mulches made of synthetic or inorganic materials do a fantastic job of retaining moisture and suppressing weeds. They don’t provide any nutrients to the soil, but they don’t decay quickly or need to be replaced as often as organic mulches. Some synthetic mulch includes:

  • Black Plastic
  • Landscape Fabric
  • Stone/Gravel

Around foundation plantings and other shrubs and trees, plastic and landscape fabric are excellent alternatives. Plastic, on the other hand, becomes extremely hot in the summer and, besides suffocating weed seeds, it can also destroy all of the soil’s beneficial properties. Gravel and stone mulches are excellent for Mediterranean herb gardens and rain gardens where drainage is required or when plants require a little more heat.

Which mulch you choose depends on the function and aesthetic you are looking for. At Legarden Designs, we can help you create one! We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today to learn more about what we offer!

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn?

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn?

The greatest amount of time you will spend on your lawn’s upkeep is when you mow it. Mowing your yard at the correct height may help to create an attractive appearance for your house and promote grass growth.

Mowing frequency is determined by a variety of factors. These include rainfall amounts, soil type, grass type, fertilizer use, and how much time you have to complete the work. Here are some general recommendations to assist you in determining the best mowing schedule for your lawn.

Types of Turf 

Turf is a term for living green plants that are typically collected together as a single entity, known as your lawn. Depending on grass type, weather, and amount of shade, turf may grow at various rates.

Cool-season grasses 

Fescues, bluegrasses, and ryegrasses are all cool-season grasses that develop vigorously in the spring and fall seasons and must be cut more frequently when rainfall amounts are greater. During the early spring months, mowing on the high side of your grass type’s optimum height may aid in the control of broadleaf weeds.

Warm-season grasses 

Warm-season grasses are common in the south and the southwestern United States, with hot summers and mild winters. Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Buffalo grasses flourish during the summer heat but do not overwinter as well as cool-season grasses. When it rains frequently as it does in many areas of the country, these grasses will demand more frequent cutting.

Shade grasses 

Grasses thrive when they have enough sunshine. This makes it tough to grow grass in heavy shadow. Shade-grown lawn mixtures are available at most garden supply stores, but germination is light-dependent, making it difficult to maintain a shade lawn looking decent. It might be worth considering mowing on the high side and less often in these regions.

New lawn 

If you’re growing a new lawn, keep it mowed at the same time as an established lawn when it’s actively developing. It’s okay to begin trimming new grass once it has reached the optimal height for its species, however cutting too soon might harm the young tender leaves.

Ready to improve your landscaping this season? Our garden services at Legarden Designs handles every element of the process – from the initial design consultation through the project’s completion. We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today!

Avoid These Top 5 Landscaping Errors

Avoid These Top 5 Landscaping Errors

Are you interested in planting and starting a garden, but you don’t know where to begin? Oftentimes, learning what not to do is a great first step. Here are 5 landscaping errors you should avoid:

Avoid Ground Covers That Can Overrun Your Yard

Ground covers are low-growing plants that are meant to cover ground in your garden that would otherwise be occupied by weeds. Many homeowners have discovered too late, for example, that English ivy has a propensity to grow uncontrollably. Ground covers that thrive in shade are among the worst offenders.

Avoid Rushing Into Using Mulch

Mulch is a simple and effective method to improve the look of your yard. However, making mistakes while selecting mulch and using it in your garden may have severe consequences, ranging from causing plant damage to requiring you to do additional labor. A good choice for use around many plants might be a bad fit for certain others, and tiny pebbles in mulch can be even more harmful.

Avoid Pruning Until The Recommended Date 

Some backyard gardeners consider themselves meticulous when it comes to wielding their pruning shears outside and “keeping up” with their bushes, trimming them more arbitrarily than rationally. They then ask, “Why didn’t my flowering quince bloom this year?” It’s possible that the time you trimmed it has something to do with it. Make an effort to learn when to prune shrubs correctly.

Avoid Only Thinking About One Season

Shrubs can complement your driveway, especially during the flower season. Keep in mind that seasonal changes must be considered at all times. A suitable planting for May might become a blunder next February owing to weather conditions or other factors. A shrub planted too near to the road may be damaged by a snow plow with little effort.

Avoid Trying To Do It Yourself

Always be sure to accurately evaluate your skills before beginning any hardscaping projects. Discretion is key and sometimes it’s simply best to call in the professionals. If your entire landscape needs an overhaul and you don’t have the knowledge or inclination to do it yourself, perhaps you should consider bringing in the experts.

Our garden services at Legarden Designs handles every element of the process – from the initial design consultation through the project’s completion. We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today!

Which Plants to Use for a Pet-Friendly Garden

Which Plants to Use for a Pet-Friendly Garden

Not all pets are affected in the same way if they get into poisonous and noxious plants. A day lily, for example, may not harm a dog; however, a curious cat might experience vomiting, kidney failure, or even death if they consume the common garden plant.

There are several lovely ornamental flowers that are non-toxic to both dogs and cats, so feel free to use them in your landscape and house without hesitation. Here’s what you should plant in a pet-friendly garden.


If you have a no-nonsense list of hard-performing annual flowers, add zinnias to it. You may rest assured that your pets are not poisoned by zinnias. Mildew problems can also be reduced by giving zinnias full sunshine and ample spacing.

African Violet

The African violet has been a popular houseplant for centuries, and new cultivars will provide you with a reason to rediscover the plant’s benefits. Plants that like the same temperatures as us have ruffled flowers and picotee blooms. The fuzzy leaves do not contain any hazardous compounds known to harm cats or dogs.

Peruvian Lily

For cat owners, many lily species are difficult to cultivate. The Peruvian lily, on the other hand, is a non-toxic option for both cats and dogs. This flower may be seen in professional floral arrangements as it lasts long and is brightly colored.

Areca Palm

If your cat is tempted to swat and bite the fancy fronds of an areca palm, you won’t have to worry about stomach upset spoiling your pet’s evening. This houseplant, also known as the butterfly palm, is native to Madagascar and thrives in warm temperatures and high humidity. They don’t need much water or light, however the areca palm does a fantastic job purifying the air.


When it comes to persistent plant-eating pets, sometimes the ideal option is to pick a plant that was specifically designed to be eaten. The pungent, hot leaves and flowers of nasturtiums won’t entice most dogs, but if they care to taste them, they will receive a nutritional bonus in the form of vitamins A and C. Nasturtiums thrive in full sun with average soil and spring and early summer temperatures.

Our garden services at Legarden Designs handles every element of the process – from the initial design consultation through the project’s completion. We also provide seasonal reviews and yearly walkthroughs. Contact us today for a beautiful garden design!